Website redesign focused on improvement in Information Architecture

NYC Parks is a public website where residents and visitors can discover the various parks in New York and learn more about them. The website in its current form is not navigable and overwhelming for anyone to use. This project was aimed at attempting to reimagine the website experience.

Role: Information Architect and Web Designer.
Project Duration: 15 weeks
Project Methodology: JTBD, Card-sorting, Tree-testing, Wire-framing, Prototyping

Redesign Plan

User Persona

The User Persona was created basis 25 user interviews conducted on ground in various parks in New York. User behaviours were also observed and captured during these interviews thus giving the created persona an ethnographic detail.

The User Persona and Journey map was created using the Jobs to be Done format (JTBD).

Revised Sitemap

The sitemap was created by performing card sorting with 108 participants. The sitemap was further distilled using tree-testing which was performed with 10 participants.

Card sorting helped understand how users categorised information with regard to parks. The tree testing which was performed with 5 tasks helped further ascertain the optimal logical user-flow


The wireframing was done for some key user flows. The wireframing took into account the responsive nature of the website and incorporated the mobile views of this website. The responsiveness of this website was necessary for users to be able to use the website on the move.


The final park’s website and app prototype design completely transformed the current website and made it more user-friendly.

Since it is a parks website we introduced a mobile app and other features to improve accessibility. The new website and app were more navigable, helpful and inclusive.